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Nr.927 - 28.Mar.2011 17:26:14
Name: Tim Hofstetter
Homepage: n/a
Yer a silly one, ya know that? Have your quiet MessageBox check the registered sound settings immediately before restoring them. If they're anything different from your temporary quiet settings, leave 'em alone - the user changed 'em while your MessageBox was onscreen.
Nr.926 - 8.Mar.2011 10:49:38
Name: Cheyanne
Homepage: n/a
I'm supposed to be doing a powerpoint in class right now, but im doing this instead lol
Nr.925 - 5.Feb.2011 08:52:29
Name: Geocacheruk
Like the list of equipment and keep up the good work
Nr.924 - 20.Jan.2011 02:00:54
Name: derka
Homepage: n/a
howdy :D
Nr.923 - 29.Nov.2010 04:07:36
Name: Kristen
Homepage: n/a
A few years ago my mother and me discovered druglord. We would have competitions on who could score the highest. It was funny to hear a 50 year old granny getting excited because she had made a huge profit on morphine or cocaine.
I still play every now and then when I can't sleep, great game.
Nr.922 - 3.Nov.2010 21:42:13
Name: nuzZz
Homepage: n/a
i'm from malaysia...i still play drug lord 2, i usually play it when im bored doing my office work...or i'm stuck & need an idea for my template design...its help a little bit to release the tension...good game by the way! :D
Nr.921 - 31.Oct.2010 08:30:57
Name: suresh
Homepage: n/a
Dear sir
Please send me a eeprom and 25T80 ic copyer circuits and software.
Thanking you,
Nr.920 - 25.Aug.2010 16:31:38
Name: Marcelo
There are some library as io.dll for 64 bit?
Nr.919 - 31.Jul.2010 17:57:14
Name: adrian moseley
Homepage: n/a
this game is cool how do i register it
Nr.918 - 31.Jul.2010 17:10:26
Name: Bare
Homepage: n/a
Hi Fred!!
keep up the good work, drug lord 2 rocks especially the black sabbath intro you put with the welcome window!
I hope you create new drug lord 3 or some fun application...
Nr.917 - 13.Jul.2010 10:32:54
Name: Ritwik Verma
Homepage: n/a
I love the crazy little abode you have here...
I loved your hideout and the artefacts here...
You have impressed me a lot so I thought I would just drop a note, that's it...
Really Really impressed.... :-)
Nr.916 - 26.Jun.2010 09:21:31
Name: Raj
Homepage: n/a
i am hardware/ networking engineer we like drug loder
Nr.915 - 30.Apr.2010 06:01:32
Name: Druglord DAN
Homepage: n/a
games good yeah but yas need a new 1 like wer you can buy cars homes more guns drugs clubs stuff like that cos just buyin the same stuff over n over gets boringg
Nr.914 - 5.Apr.2010 18:18:12
Name: Paulzer
Homepage: n/a
HEY U!....Im the biggest badest ass plastic gangster druglord around. ive got so much units stashed in my vaults, even 50 cent want some!!!
Nr.913 - 31.Mar.2010 10:11:28
Homepage: n/a
Great Games
Nr.912 - 14.Feb.2010 13:08:38
Name: Sean
Homepage: n/a
Just wanted to stop by and say "hey". Thanks for making the wonderful game Drug Lord 2.2.
Will be lurking about waiting for your next one!
Nr.911 - 28.Jan.2010 17:36:25
Name: andrew
Homepage: n/a
i thought drug lord 2 was epic. it was a whole lot better than modern mmorpgs like wow.
you should cr8 drug lord 3 with a new gui. it's the game of the 21st century i think.
lol the lines "prices are lower than marianas trench" kills me.
Nr.910 - 19.Jan.2010 20:08:35
Name: Andrew
Homepage: n/a
hey thanks for the great game, many hours of my life
has been put into it! anywho, keep trucking! where is
number 3 btw? would love to play it some day. no
pressure ;)
Nr.909 - 14.Jan.2010 14:44:53
Name: Nikos Giannakopoulos
A realy interesting site with some powerfull tools!!!
Thank you!
Nr.908 - 24.Dec.2009 12:55:44
Name: antidisestablishmentarianism
Homepage: n/a
Nice site i have benn playing druglord since 02 maybe 03 glade to see your still here and havent changed too much. i hope you expand a little more in the future. keep up the great work
Nr.907 - 24.Nov.2009 09:20:26
Name: Jacque Stumne-Johnson
Homepage: n/a
i love all the drug lord games...any more like that or similar to them?
Nr.906 - 17.Nov.2009 21:43:51
Name: MistPhoenix
Homepage: n/a
Your urlencode function seems to not return a properly encoded string. Can you help me? If so please email me at the provided address.
Nr.905 - 17.Nov.2009 03:01:23
Homepage: n/a
We love bradders burns.
:P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nr.904 - 3.Nov.2009 07:43:00
Name: Karl
Homepage: n/a
A PHP version of drug lord so it can be made into an online application/game would be fantastic :)
Nr.903 - 19.Oct.2009 05:53:21
Homepage: n/a
i smell my own feet. BUT shh its a secret! ;)
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Guestbook written by Felix Gertz - Get it!